Since my architectural studies in 1991, photography is my daily notebook. As a student, I spent hours in the dark room of my attic.
The digital and Instagram were an unexpected opportunity, the opportunity to share a certain vision of architecture with a varied audience of over twenty thousand followers.
I’m fascinated by the formal daring of certain architecture, whether modern or old. Now, I shoot what is called on Instagram Architecture Porn…these strong images crossed by hyper-complex patterns and cumulative forms, stored and aligned, recognizable by their depth effects and geometric repetitions (cf. in interview for Inrocks or for Les Chroniques d'Adélaîde.) This architecture aims to seduce and provoke the excitement of one’s gaze. I neither judge nor criticize, rather suggest in taking pleasure by observing them as they are.
My architectural work (AIR Architectures) is turned on the social role of architecture, public buildings, housing, migrants et homeless, with a research of generous shapes and colors.
As anthropology enthousiast, I now shoot more and more people and focus on portraits, even if architecture is always somewhere behind.
All pictures on sale through theprintspace | Art Printing | High Quality Photo Prints
SIRET : 410 502 520 00027
APE : 7420Z - Activités photographiques

- "Sound's stone" : Paris Photo / Salon de la photographie, Irix booth, Paris, Porte de Versailles.2020
- "Winter spring" : Librairie Volume, Paris. 2021
- "Winter spring" : Maison de l'Architecture d'Ile de France, Paris. 2021
- "Bleu" : Projet Morpho, Espace Pierre Cardin, Saint-Ouen, 2021